The Havard Crimson: What kinds of stories particularly resonate with you?

Ang Lee: Themes that are are familiar but different, like gay cowboys. People that are on the disadvantaged side, or on the fringe: in “Ride With The Devil,” for instance, you see a slave self-emancipating in the South instead of an owner saving a slave. It’s an odd angle, not conventional, but it makes human sense. Maybe it’s because I grew up in Taiwan, and we’re always losing. So those on the wrong side of history, to grow up with that, my heart races to those characters very easily.

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並不是第一次來東海,卻是第一次在天氣這麼好的時候踏進這個美麗的校區, 天氣,的確會影響我對於一個地方的印象.



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One of my favourite places in Taiwan - 墾丁.



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這是我第一次拍攝社會運動,最大的感想,就是長鏡頭是必備的,以下照片一率24~70mm F2.8鏡頭拍攝,很多畫面因為太遠而捕捉不到,實在非常可惜.

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